David Rathgeber's

2023 Personal Note

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This is written at holiday time with reflection and thankfulness. Life is good, but 2023 was the slowest of YFiRE's 36 years. The unprecedented rise in mortgage rates ruined real estate markets for buyers, sellers, agents, mortgage originators, closing agents, etcetera. Special thanks to you, and other friends in real estate who stay tuned or have children who are now buying homes. Please mention my name to two friends, and ask them to tell two friends, so that I can continue to pay cash at the Giant. That's my logo on the right; it was once my photo.



Many buyers still face competition to win their home of choice. In response to a wild spring market, I created a novel data-based method to help buyers beat others trying to buy the same home. In addition, I have a proven program to help those wanting to buy a home in a specific area, which will save them thousands of dollars. Further, they will NOT have to fight other buyers!

Meanwhile, it is a joy to be remembered by my friends in real estate when it's time to buy and sell again. Please mention Your Friend in Real Estate to a friend, neighbor, or business associate who is buying or selling a home. A friend of yours is always a friend of mine.

Here's hoping my 2024 calendar is on your refrigerator and you are sharing my monthly Local Market Report with friends, neighbors, family, co-workers, and complete strangers. The Report often includes personal messages, tips, and miscellanea, along with timely real estate topics.

Special thanks to all who have helped me meet new friends over the years. Let's get together somewhere, sometime; whatever works: Call or text 703 434 0773 or email david@DrRealEstate.net. Note that my Gmail address is history. Onward and upward!

With very best fishes,
Your Friend in Real Estate
Serving you and your friends for decades

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Your Friend in Real Estate, LLC
Licensed broker in Virginia and Florida


* Copyright © David Rathgeber *
* * All rights reserved. * *